This is one of 2 blog posts in a series about acupuncture and herbal medicine for allergies here in San Diego. I have found the combination very beneficial for my patients, especially those that live around open area and canyons throughout Mission Hills, North Park, Normal Heights and South Park.
Category: BLOG
Spring is a time of renewal, regeneration, growth and energy. The plants and animals awaken from the slumber of the cold winter months. The vital nutrients that have been stored in the roots of the plants and the bodies of the animals, comes to the surface and life becomes more vibrant and fluid. Human beings […]
Top 3 exercises for surfers
So, you want to learn to surf? Rock on. Did you know the first major surfing competition was held in Corona Del Mar, California in 1928? Since then, surfing has exploded as not only a sport but a way of life. Our beaches our packed with pros, killer novices and beginners. If you’re just beginning, […]
jing: the Chinese fountain of youth
Aging and Life Cycles in Chinese Medicine In Chinese medical theory, the aging process is controlled by a substance called “Jing” or essence. Jing is said to be stored in the Kidneys and is responsible for development in children and teenagers, and aging in adults. We are each born with finite amount of Jing. As […]
Which comes first? Nutrition or skincare… or is it skincare then nutrition? Recently there has be an abundance of chatter discussing the relationship between nutrition and skin integrity. But what is the actual impact of our skin on our nutritional intake and our nutrition’s impact on the largest organ of the human body? Well, the […]
“Just breathe.” A favorite saying of enlightened masters, jungle shamans, and loving moms tending to their kids “boo-boos” all around the world. You’ve probably heard this advice before, and perhaps you’ve even given it, but what is so special about the breath? Well, for starters it is the first thing we do when we are […]
Je t’aime Provençal Summer Veg
Ive had so many friends and patients bringing me crazy delish tomatoes from their gardens (keep them coming, btw 😉 It really makes me miss having a garden! The tomatoes at the farmers markets right now are so incredibly delicious too. There truly is no comparison to store bought (even organic) to whats grown in […]
Stay Healthy on Vacation- 5 Simple Steps Summer brings tons of fun– extra time with family + friends, long hours spent outdoors and, for many of us, travel. Though travelling and vacation sounds like all fun + games (and for the most part, it is! Who doesn’t love a good nap in the sun or […]
Three Daily Rituals to Feel Your Best Dissolve the concept of ‘perfect’ health. Always in flux, what worked for us five years ago might not be the most supportive now. Ayurveda teaches us to support ourselves while traveling or under stress or in a life transition. Every body is completely different, there is no ‘one […]