Functional Medicine & Stress Management

Functional medicine is a patient-centered collaborative approach to healthcare. While the standard conventional approach focuses on symptom and disease management, functional medicine specializes in prevention, patient empowerment and resiliency.

We live in a world full of stress, anxiety and burnout, and this sets the stage for chronic illness to take over. Functional medicine uses a data-driven and biology-based approach to explore healing opportunities before stress-induced chronic conditions set in. Functional Medicine provides you with an opportunity to gain clarity, understanding and control over future health outcomes and the capacity to feel better now.

We’ll spend quality time together while I learn more about both your personal and medical histories. I don’t believe in treating just the test results, so I tune in to interactions between the environmental, lifestyle, genetic and emotional aspects of your health. This approach enables me to better understand the influences these have over your current health concerns and goals so you can finally feel like yourself again.

Functional Lab Tests

Here’s the process:


Book a complimentary 30-minute functional medicine discovery call.


Complete medical intake forms. I review them and develop a strategy.


I place orders for the appropriate lab kit(s) to be sent directly to you.


Ship lab kits back to the laboratory along with payment.


Working with a physician, I analyze and interpret your results.


We review results together and develop a plan that works for you.


At least one follow-up appointment is recommended after 1-3 months.

Examples of la carte functional lab tests:

Adrenal/Hormone Testing

Evaluates adrenal gland function and hormonal balance: Estradiol, Estriol, Estorgin, Testosterone, Cortisol, DHEA, Melatonin (urine and saliva tests).

Metabolic Wellness

Liver detoxification, energy production, digestion and oxidative stress (aging and cellular damage) (urine test).

GI Map and Pathogen Screening

Includes marker for gluten sensitivity, gut immunity, pancreatic enzymes and pathogens such as H Pylori and other bacteria/viruses in the gastrointestinal tract (stool test).

Food Sensitivity

Tests for delayed allergic response to the most common foods known to induce hidden allergic reactions (blood spot test).

Who Does Your Testing?

I keep testing simple and straightforward, utilizing only the most reputable lab companies.

Organic Acids

Liver (Detoxification); Digestion, and Oxidative Stress (aging and cell damage) (Urine Test) download sample report

GI Map

Includes markers for gluten sensitivity (anti-gliadin IgA), inflammation (calprotectin), immunity (SIgA), pancreatic enzyme sufficiency (elastase), and occult blood. Pathogens including H Pylori and other bacteria, parasites, yeast, worms and viruses within the gastrointestinal tract (Stool Test) download sample report

IgG Food Antibody Test

Measures reactivity to the most common allergenic foods download sample report

DUTCH Plus Hormone Testing

Evaluates adrenal gland function and hormone balance: Estradiol, Estriol, Estrone, Progesterone, Testosterone, Cortisol, DHEA, Melatonin (Saliva and Dried Urine Test) download male sample report | download female sample report

Functional medicine lab work can be booked in two ways

For an a la carte, quick and targeted approach

For lasting change, long-term coaching and the most powerful health outcomes

Principles of Functional Medicine

Collaborative, patient-centered modelExpert, doctor-centered model
Biochemical individualityEveryone treated the same way
Relieves symptoms by addressing causeSuppresses symptoms with drugs
Preventative approachEarly detection of disease
High-touch and high-techHigh-tech

Dr. Riley’s Functional Medicine Specialties:


Worry and fear
Burnout and adrenal fatigue
Restlessness and agitation


Gut issues
Men’s & women’s hormonal health
Immunity and longevity


Swelling and inflammation
Chronic pain
Muscle aches
Recurrent injuries

Frequently Asked Questions

Will we work together for a long time?

The functional medicine approach is for a la carte lab interpretation and recommendations. If you are interested in long-term coaching, extensive lab work and profound healing, The Stress Less Method® may be right for you.

Is Functional Medicine covered by insurance?

No, but often HSA/FSA can be used for lab payment.

How is this different from mail-order labs I’ve seen advertised?

Those simply provide results. I go beyond by getting to know you as a person. Lasting change can only occur when results are viewed in relation to each patient’s unique history and lifestyle.

Are supplements required?

Absolutely not. Nutritional recommendations may be made based on lab findings and we can discuss various ways to meet those needs.

How much does it cost?

All pricing is listed under the booking section. Lab test costs vary and are billed separately at practitioner wholesale rates.

Where do I start?

Start with a complimentary consultation so can determine whether a functional medicine approach is the best fit for your health goals.

Pain and stress are the #1 reasons why patients visit me