Acupuncture BLOG Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture and Women’s Health

The Chong Mai is one of the main and most important Extraordinary Vessels. It flows throughout the entire body and has energy networks branching out, each with an energetic function. Another term for the Chong Mai is the Penetrating Vessel, this vessel is located in between the kidneys alongside Vessels Du Mai, also known as […]

Acupuncture BLOG Traditional Chinese Medicine

A Different Look Treatment for Low Back Pain

What is the Dai Mai? Interestingly enough, the Dai Mai (or Girdle Vessel) is the only meridian that flows horizontally. It originates at a liver meridian point on the lateral ribs, descends down towards the waist like a belt and connects with a side branch of the kidney meridian. The Dai Mai separates the lower […]

Acupuncture BLOG Digestion Digestive Disorders

Five Reasons Acupuncture Helps Digestive Function

Digestion is an incredibly complex task the body performs on a daily basis.  For as many foods there are, there are equally as many effects they can have on the body.  So much so that nearly 70 million people in the US along are effected by a digestive disorder of some kind or another. Traditional […]

Acupuncture BLOG Headaches/Migraines

Can I Treat Migraines With Acupuncture? Absolutely.

  Did you know that migraines affect nearly 50 million Americans?  Leading to billions in lost productivity not to mention the debilitating effects on peoples’ lives. They are somewhat of a mystery to the medical world and the pharmaceutical options are not ideal.  Migraines can last from hours to days and triggers are many. While […]

Acupuncture BLOG Traditional Chinese Medicine

Willpower and The Power of Acupuncture

  I am a huge proponent in treating yourself but sometimes saying “no” to indulgences is the better route to go.  So, we can all relate to that feeling sometimes of not being able to pull ourselves out of bed when the alarm goes off in the morning for that early workout.  Or that overriding […]

Acupuncture BLOG Depression Traditional Chinese Medicine

Seasonal Affective Disorder.. Turn That Frown Upside Down

  SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder is a worldwide phenomena.  Typically its experienced during fall and winter and symptoms range from lethargy, trouble concentrating, depression, negative thoughts and a decrease in social interaction.  Even towards the end of the summer people that suffer from SAD may experience and increase in anxiety as they anticipate an […]

Acupuncture BLOG Traditional Chinese Medicine

Fall is the Season of the Lungs

Are you familiar with 5 Element acupuncture?  Even if not, you’ve probably heard of it or at least the 5 Elements: Earth, Water, Wood, Fire and Metal Part of what I love about being and acupuncturist is that I look at the complete and total picture of a patient’s symptoms.  When you come in to […]

Acupuncture BLOG Stress

How Does Acupuncture Reduce Stress?

Our body has so many ways of warning us that things just aren’t right.  Sometimes its hard to hear them.  While general stress is a byproduct of life it can also be a warning sign.

Acupuncture Traditional Chinese Medicine

Five Acupuncture Points for Indian Summer

Fun Fact: TCM actually acknowledges 5 seasons- not 4!  What we refer to as an “Indian Summer” is actually season from the perspective of Chinese Medicine.  There are also organs and acupuncture points that are specifically related to this special time of year.

Acupuncture BLOG Men's Health Traditional Chinese Medicine

Seven Ways Acupuncture Can Help Men’s Health

I love what I do.  I love San Diego.  I love providing first-rate acupuncture in San Diego along with Chinese Herbal Medicine.  Most of all, I love my patients.  I am drawn to Chinese Medicine because of its 3000 year history and the fact that it treats the body as a whole- not just in […]