BLOG Uncategorized

Visiting Museums May Be As Good For You As Exercise

Not feeling up to going to the gym?  Check out Balboa Park museums instead!   Sure, art museums have a lot of steps you can walk up and down. They have long hallways and walking tours that last for up to 1-2 hours. But could the simple act of visiting an art gallery and looking […]

Acupuncture BLOG Traditional Chinese Medicine

A Different Look Treatment for Low Back Pain

What is the Dai Mai? Interestingly enough, the Dai Mai (or Girdle Vessel) is the only meridian that flows horizontally. It originates at a liver meridian point on the lateral ribs, descends down towards the waist like a belt and connects with a side branch of the kidney meridian. The Dai Mai separates the lower […]

BLOG Spring Traditional Chinese Medicine

4 Lifestyle Tweaks to Thrive this Spring

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, one of the main principles for optimal health is to eat with the seasons. This means that the season will determine the lifestyle you adopt. We are fortunate to have access to all sorts of fruits and vegetables all year round. We can eat mangoes in the winter, strawberries in the […]

BLOG Diet Spring Traditional Chinese Medicine

Healthy Food for Spring in San Diego

  Spring is one of the best seasons to begin eating healthier. Whether it’s adopting a new diet regiment like a keto diet or trying a detox cleanse, there’s no better time than spring. In fact, some of the freshest produce, the most delicious food and the most potent herbs for healing are available at […]

BLOG Diet Herbal Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine

Spring Into Spring With Ginseng

Ginseng is basically the “wonder drug” of Chinese Herbal Medicine.  Its shape resembles the human body and can be used for a host of ailments as well as an overall tonic. The three main types of ginseng used are:

BLOG Herbal Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine

A Dandy Little Dandelion Detox

One person’s trash is another person’s treasure they say.  Same holds for plants.  What one might call a “weed” other call it medicine.  Let’s do a little digging into he powerful dandelion.

Acupuncture BLOG Digestion Digestive Disorders

Five Reasons Acupuncture Helps Digestive Function

Digestion is an incredibly complex task the body performs on a daily basis.  For as many foods there are, there are equally as many effects they can have on the body.  So much so that nearly 70 million people in the US along are effected by a digestive disorder of some kind or another. Traditional […]

BLOG Digestion Digestive Disorders Herbal Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine

Herbal Tonics for Digestion

  Did you know that 74% of Americans have digestive disorders?  These range from excess gas, pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation or some mix of all. The reasons why are varied but most come down to stress, lifestyle and food choices. The majority of patients actually don’t even report it to their doctors because they think […]

Acupuncture BLOG Headaches/Migraines

Can I Treat Migraines With Acupuncture? Absolutely.

  Did you know that migraines affect nearly 50 million Americans?  Leading to billions in lost productivity not to mention the debilitating effects on peoples’ lives. They are somewhat of a mystery to the medical world and the pharmaceutical options are not ideal.  Migraines can last from hours to days and triggers are many. While […]

BLOG Uncategorized

Not All Headaches Are Created Equally

Headaches are unfortunately something that most Americans suffer from on a regular basis.  Luckily, with some lifestyle changes and acupuncture chronic headaches and even migraines can be kept under control.   Headaches can be broken down into 4 primary types: Tension Cluster Sinus (this is the kind I get when Im not careful!) Migraine  There […]