Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan (pronounced: Teean Wong Boo Sheen Dahn) I love this name… “Emperor of Heaven’s Pill to Tonify the Heart” How cool is that?? This is a great formula that usually gets used for insomnia but can be used for all kinds of things like night sweats, anxiety, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, irritability, poor […]
Category: BLOG
Gut Check
Probiotics, probiotics, probiotics……. that word is freakin’ everywhere anymore it seems like. What to take? What to eat? What to avoid for optimal gut health? Whats it all even mean?? STOP THE INSANITY Just take a pill. Now, breathe…. Maintaining optimal gut health really is a “thing”. The gut is directly linked to […]
May Book Club
So, I LOVE to read. Truth be told I am a total bibliophile- in fact its gotten a little bit out of control to be honest with you. I have no trouble purging and cleaning out the house (ok, clothes are a bit hard to part with BUT I’m getting better). I usually have a […]
Tasty Snacks to Detox Your Liver
Spring is all about outward expansion and movement The liver is responsible for the free-flow of Qi or “energy” in the body. Spring and the liver naturally go together. To keep our livers healthy and tuned up to make the most of spring, below are some suggested foods to help support that: Garlic: Garlic helps […]
Herbs for Allergies
Yep, Stinging Nettle. Now, I’m not saying go pick a bunch of nettle and rub it all over yourself- please don’t do that; You can easily find nettle tea and even capsules at places like Whole Foods, Sprouts, or Amazon. Nettle has natural anti-inflammatory properties and is extremely high in Chlorophyll, Vitamin C and Vitamin A. […]
Moroccan Madness!
I really enjoy cooking- when I have the time. More than that, I love having healthy, home-cooked food ready to eat. My work schedule means that I am not home for dinner so I must make it ahead of time. I generally cook up and make enough for 4-5 days and then store in glass […]
36 Hours In Mexico City
I am a big believer in the mind-expanding power of travel and the health benefits of vacation. Vacations have been proven to increase overall health and wellness countless times. So, if you haven’t taken one for a while- DO IT! Even just a quick, inexpensive weekend trip to a cabin, beach, lake, desert, mountains.. whatever […]
Am I crazy for doing this?
Hi! So, this is my first post. I know, the obligatory first stab at this not knowing what to say or how to say it so, I’m just gonna SAY it! It feels kind of cheesy and awkward but I hope to look back on this one day and say, “DANG I’ve come a long […]