Stay Healthy on Vacation- 5 Simple Steps Summer brings tons of fun– extra time with family + friends, long hours spent outdoors and, for many of us, travel. Though travelling and vacation sounds like all fun + games (and for the most part, it is! Who doesn’t love a good nap in the sun or […]
Author: Riley Smith
Three Daily Rituals to Feel Your Best Dissolve the concept of ‘perfect’ health. Always in flux, what worked for us five years ago might not be the most supportive now. Ayurveda teaches us to support ourselves while traveling or under stress or in a life transition. Every body is completely different, there is no ‘one […]
Top 3 killer stretches for low back funk
Low back funk. It can put one out of commission for months. Not ideal. And definitely not fun. So, what exactly causes lower back pain? I see it and treat it All. The. Time Generally speaking, lower back pain can be caused by damage to the intervertebral discs, damage or compression to neural pathways, or […]
spicy and cold asian summer salad
Paleo friends, look the other way…… I came across this Spicy Asian Noodle Salad and jumped on it. I love cold salads like this in the summer. Grill some shrimp or chicken and maybe (ok, definitely) some rosé or white wine and its the perfect evening dinner on a hot day. I particularly loved this […]
But, how does acupuncture work?
Despite being nearly 5000 years old, and having been extensively researched across the world, there are still no conclusive answers about exactly how acupuncture works. However, there are a number of widely accepted scientific theories which can begin to shed some light on the mechanisms behind its functionality. The traditional, eastern theory behind how acupuncture […]
Chinese medicine and emotions
The Organs and the Emotions in Traditional Chinese Medicine Chinese medicine views the body as two halves of a whole. Mental and physical health are completely dependent on each other and emotional imbalances can easily manifest physically. The appropriate expression of emotions is both natural and healthy. For example, if somebody screws you over, you’re going […]
Real talk on everyday “mindfulness”
By Guest Blogger: Adam Meyer There is a lot of buzz these days about “mindfulness,” but what does that really mean? On one hand, mindfulness is a particular type of meditation, on another hand, mindfulness is a particular state of awareness. As it turns out, the goal of mindfulness meditation is to experience and prolong […]
I pity the ful medames
Ful Medames This take on the classic Egyptian meal (usually eaten for breakfast) of highly seasoned fava beans and other sorts of other deliciousness uses easy-to-find shelled, frozen edamame. It smells amazing while its cooking and is even better the next day! If you know me, you know that I don’t go crazy for soy. […]
Just say “no” to the hustle
Question: When did being “exhausted” become a status symbol? In our culture, working long hours is a sign of success and saying “busy” when asked how you’re doing is glorified, when in reality, it should be anything but. Life isn’t meant to be lived from the confines of your cubicle, and skipping lunch because there’s […]
Water, water everywhere……
Happy hydration! Lots of noise about these “plant waters” that are exploding all across the place. Remember the Whole Foods PR fiasco about the $7 asparagus water? Well, whats the deal? Is it really worth it?? More often than not, no. Stick with water and for extremely demanding workouts or endurance athletes consider professional grade […]