BLOG Uncategorized

New Year, New Me and MOST Importantly a new YOU!

New Year, New EVERYTHING New Office Did you hear the news? After 10 years in an integrative practice environment, I have opened up my own practice and moved to the heart of Banker’s Hill. Now you can create customized appointments for whatever you need, in a quiet and serene private practice environment, even on weekends and […]

Acupuncture BLOG Traditional Chinese Medicine

Willpower and The Power of Acupuncture

  I am a huge proponent in treating yourself but sometimes saying “no” to indulgences is the better route to go.  So, we can all relate to that feeling sometimes of not being able to pull ourselves out of bed when the alarm goes off in the morning for that early workout.  Or that overriding […]

Acupuncture BLOG Depression Traditional Chinese Medicine

Seasonal Affective Disorder.. Turn That Frown Upside Down

  SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder is a worldwide phenomena.  Typically its experienced during fall and winter and symptoms range from lethargy, trouble concentrating, depression, negative thoughts and a decrease in social interaction.  Even towards the end of the summer people that suffer from SAD may experience and increase in anxiety as they anticipate an […]

BLOG Diet Nutrition Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Walnut Brain Connection


BLOG Traditional Chinese Medicine

Don’t Shun Your Shen

In Chinese medicine the spirit, consciousness or soul is just as important as any other organ system.  We refer to this as the “Shen”.  The Shen is considered to reside in the heart organ itself and thought of as a vital substance of the body.  Shen also has to do with mental faculties so for […]

BLOG Traditional Chinese Medicine

East and West Meet in the Lungs

There are many areas where Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine come together.  These meeting points fascinate me.  The lung and its functions are one of the closest meeting points. From skin and the immune system to basic respiration all are heavily influenced by the lung in both modalities. From a mere surface area standpoint the […]

Acupuncture BLOG Traditional Chinese Medicine

Fall is the Season of the Lungs

Are you familiar with 5 Element acupuncture?  Even if not, you’ve probably heard of it or at least the 5 Elements: Earth, Water, Wood, Fire and Metal Part of what I love about being and acupuncturist is that I look at the complete and total picture of a patient’s symptoms.  When you come in to […]

BLOG Herbal Medicine Stress Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture for Stress

Stress: “a state of mental or emotional tension or strain resulting from demanding or adverse circumstances”.  Sound familiar?  Well, over 77% of Americans repot regularly feeling stress leading to different physical and mental health problems. After injury, pain and sports medicine acupuncture stress is the number one reason people see me for acupuncture and Chinese […]

Acupuncture BLOG Stress

How Does Acupuncture Reduce Stress?

Our body has so many ways of warning us that things just aren’t right.  Sometimes its hard to hear them.  While general stress is a byproduct of life it can also be a warning sign.

Acupuncture Traditional Chinese Medicine

Five Acupuncture Points for Indian Summer

Fun Fact: TCM actually acknowledges 5 seasons- not 4!  What we refer to as an “Indian Summer” is actually season from the perspective of Chinese Medicine.  There are also organs and acupuncture points that are specifically related to this special time of year.