Acupuncture BLOG Digestion Digestive Disorders

Five Reasons Acupuncture Helps Digestive Function

Digestion is an incredibly complex task the body performs on a daily basis.  For as many foods there are, there are equally as many effects they can have on the body.  So much so that nearly 70 million people in the US along are effected by a digestive disorder of some kind or another. Traditional […]

Acupuncture BLOG Headaches/Migraines

Can I Treat Migraines With Acupuncture? Absolutely.

  Did you know that migraines affect nearly 50 million Americans?  Leading to billions in lost productivity not to mention the debilitating effects on peoples’ lives. They are somewhat of a mystery to the medical world and the pharmaceutical options are not ideal.  Migraines can last from hours to days and triggers are many. While […]

Acupuncture BLOG Stress

How Does Acupuncture Reduce Stress?

Our body has so many ways of warning us that things just aren’t right.  Sometimes its hard to hear them.  While general stress is a byproduct of life it can also be a warning sign.