
Just say “no” to the hustle

Question: When did being “exhausted” become a status symbol?  In our culture, working long hours is a sign of success and saying “busy” when asked how you’re doing is glorified, when in reality, it should be anything but.

Life isn’t meant to be lived from the confines of your cubicle, and skipping lunch because there’s too many “to file” folders on your desk can be downright harmful to both your mental and physical health. Realistically, I know it’s not always possible to up and quit your job to trek the Himalayas and sit in monk silence.  However, it is easier than you think to work a little more life into your usual day-to-day.

Here are a few of my favorite go-to’s to balance the everyday crazy:

1. Walk and Talk

Often, our days are filled with meetings, but have you ever considered taking your 10am conference call outdoors? Many people swear by their “walk and talk” meetings– not only do they get to enjoy a nice breeze and some green (proven to enhance mood) while they’re on the phone.  If you have an in-person, you’d probably be surprised how many people would love to meet and have your time together out in the open too. Give it a try!

2. Listen While You Work

Mundane admin tasks such as answering emails or filling in an Excel doc don’t always have to drain you, instead, they can just as easily fill you up! How? We pop our earphones in and turn on our favorite inspirational podcast. There are tons of really great ones, but I can’t recommend Lewis Howes’ School of Greatness or Jeff Sanders’ The 5 AM Miracle enough.  Tara Brach is another one of my all time favorites.

3. Practice Self Care

Self care is a buzzed about topic right now, but it’s actually vital to keeping your glass filled-up and self in good spirits. This doesn’t have to mean a trip to my clinic everyday (although I’d love to see you!), it could simply be lighting your favorite incense stick before bed at night, reading a chapter of your favorite book each morning, or indulging in that dark chocolate from Trader Joe’s that you can’t seem to get enough of.

I want to know: How do you infuse more life into your everyday?